Active birth workshop

essential skills for birth partners


Based on her 25 years of doula experience, Cáitlin has seen first hand how simple and practical techniques can truly make a difference to your labour experience.  

At Cáitlin’s active birth partners’s workshop you will have a ‘real’ rehearsal of how a normal labour might unfold from early labour to giving birth.

  • You will discover what labour and birth positions feel like and what might work for you.

  • You will learn particular movements that can help baby’s journey through your pelvis.

  • You will learn effective breathing techniques to help you cope during the working and resting parts of labour.

  • You will learn how resting well during labour is key to coping well.

  • you can explore how birth affirmations/mantra can support you to focus without fear.

  • Your birth partner will learn how your body is supposed to behave naturally and instinctively during labour and how they might support that process.

  • They will learn how to support you emotionally.

  • how to massage and use pressure effectively.

  • how gravity helps you and your baby.

  • how to keep you comfortable & coping from TENS machines to birth pools.


“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for today. It was by far and away the most useful birth preparation across the board - and we’ve done it all!

“I am feeling a lot more positive & confident. This session helped me on both a practical & emotional level. Thanks also for making me feel so at ease & not self conscious about how to get comfortable in my body.” 

The workshop is best attended from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The workshop is held in a spacious, comfortable studio at kin collective on Leith Links.

Cost: £75 Time: 10.00 - 13.30

April 13th - 2 spaces

May 18th - 6 spaces

June 8th - 6 spaces